HiLo Silver
Development of Cost-Effective Silver Alloy Front-Side Paste for Silicon Solar Cells
This project will investigate the prospect of commercialising silver alloys as cost-effective and low silver alternatives to front-side pure silver paste in solar cells whilst maintaining the key properties of low resistivity, oxidation resistance and solderability. Such a paste will also integrate well into the existing manufacturing infrastructure and supply chain.

This makes the new paste much more attractive and could lead to significant reduction in cost per Watt, thereby enabling solar cells more affordable. The Johnson Matthey led consortium is made up of 2 SME’s (PSI Ltd, SCT Ltd.)and University of Sheffield who have the right skills and expertise to deliver the objectives of the project.

Projects & Collaborations
Exploration of novel advanced technologies and innovative titanium powders to repair next-gen aero-engine components in the field. Development of atomised titanium alloy powders with microstructures beneficial for HVAF and cold spray processes.