Silicon Product Improvement via Coating Enhancement
This project aims to establish an effective, repeatable and scalable carbon-coating process for next-gen silicon anodes materials that will improve the current performance of lithium-ion batteries, and hence accelerate the adoption of Nexeon anode materials by cell manufacturers and at major OEMs, via an 18 month 3.3m project utilising PSI’s scaled process know-how, AGM’s cell fabrication expertise and Oxford University’s analytical capabilities

Battery cells typically represent \>60% of the cost of an EV battery pack and almost 100% are currently imported to the UK. Security of supply is a major concern for UK pack builders and vehicle OEMs. AGM is already working with partners to grow the UK supply chain for cell materials and components, alongside its own plans for significant upscaling of its UK cell manufacturing capability.

The need for UK based core cell material manufacturers is partly addressed through this project — secure supply of IP rich, cell performance enhancing materials means that the cells developed in the UK can offer leading edge performance and provide the consortium members the confidence to scale beyond niche and into mass market application. Oxford University’s Department of Materials will provide state-of-the-art material characterisation to support the project.
Projects & Collaborations
Exploration of novel advanced technologies and innovative titanium powders to repair next-gen aero-engine components in the field. Development of atomised titanium alloy powders with microstructures beneficial for HVAF and cold spray processes.