PSI has developed a range of rapid solidification technologies to produce materials in a variety of morphologies from metallic glasses to magnetic ribbons.
Melt Spinning
PSI’s high performance planar flow spinning systems are designed to produce amorphous and micro-crystalline metallic ribbons under varying atmospheric conditions. Also free-jet melt spinning (for e.g. NdFeBmagnetic powder production) produces much thicker than normal strip such that the resultant columnar structure, when subsequently milled,produces the requisite single-domain particles that optimise magnetic properties.
Wire Casters
Wire casting, another RSP technique for the production of 100μm diameter magnetic wires, is now emerging as a viable processing route. Injection of mono filaments of molten alloys into a rapidly moving body of water allows cooling rates comparable to chill block casting to be achieved, leading to the manufacture of useful wire products with exceptional mechanical and magnetic properties.
Arc Melters
PSI’s high performance planar flow spinning systems are designed to produce amorphous and micro-crystalline metallic ribbons under varying atmospheric conditions. Also free-jet melt spinning (for e.g. NdFeBmagnetic powder production) produces much thicker than normal strip such that the resultant columnar structure, when subsequently milled,produces the requisite single-domain particles that optimise magnetic properties.
Quench Rigs
Utilising the vacuum melting and bottom-pouring facilities of an atomiser, the Quench Rig takes the undisturbed melt stream or atomisation spray and directs it to rotating wheels, cones and rollers to rapidly quench particulate in different morphologies.